Beschreibung des Kaufangebots

Become shareholder of this excellent European company that offers in financing round Tranche 5 the last 65,000 shares for about 60 €/share – in total 3.9 m €. Minimum participation: from 200,000 € onwards. Investments have already been made in the amount of 68 m EUR. Company succeeded in drastically reducing CO² emissions by converting climate-neutral CO2 into methanol, storing it and reusing it as an energy source for buildings, industry, power generation and mobility. A CO²-neutral methanol circle replaces CO² from fuels and combustibles in an outstanding environmentally friendly way. Methanol is mostly very far superior to other fossil energy sources such as oil and gas, wood pellets and even hydrogen. Company developed and distributes Eco-friendly mini-power plants. As a technology leader, Company will build its own synthesis plant for the green production of methanol - a technological lighthouse project that will set new standards. This fascinating enterprise has a very reputable scientific and proven background for many years. Detailed information for serious investors after signing of an NDA.. 





Umsatz in EUR

1 €

Operatives Ergebnis in EUR

auf Anfrage

Gesellschaftergehalt in EUR

auf Anfrage


auf Anfrage

Anzahl der Standorte

auf Anfrage


auf Anfrage



Preis in EUR

3.900.000 €

Abzugebender Anteil in Prozent

bis 25,1%


Art der Kaufpreiszahlung
  • Einmalzahlung bei Kaufvertragsabschluss
Kommentar zum Umsatz und Gewinn
Disclosures on turnover and earnings (and the entire holistic approach and scientific background) after signing of an NDA.
Art der Beteiligung

  • Minderheitsbeteiligung

Kommentar zum Preis

Up to 65.000 shares for about 60 € per share – in total up to 3.9 m € - are for sale.

Grund des Verkaufs

  • Strategischer Verkauf
  • Kapitalerhöhung

Kommentar zu Grundstücke/Gebäude

auf Anfrage

Exposé liegt vor


Inserent ist Verkäuferberater

auf Anfrage

Anforderungen an den Käufer

Minimum participation: from 200,000 € onwards.

Interne Referenz